
Benefits of Babywearing

"flat head" product recommendations

When it comes to navigating life with a new baby, baby wearing is a tool that can make things easily and more enjoyable for the baby and caregiver. There are so many benefits of babywearing, and it's such a great tool for parents to understand and implement into their daily lives while parenting an infant. Let’s explore some of the many benefits of baby wearing more deeply.

Baby wearing fosters bonding and attachment

Baby wearing helps build a strong bond between you and your baby and is a great way to help you baby make the transition from womb to world. The constant skin-to-skin contact, closeness, and heartbeat rhythm all create a sense of security and connection for your baby. You are able to meet their needs closely with baby nearby and they are calm in the presence of your voice, touch, smell, and movement. This closeness also promotes the release of oxytocin (the love hormone) in both parent and child, strengthening your emotional attachment.

Baby wearing also supports baby’s physical development and prevents delays

Being carried in a properly fitted carrier keeps your baby in an ergonomic, hip-healthy position—often referred to as the “M position” (knees higher than their bum). Babywearing also helps babies develop head and neck control, core strength, and balance as they gently adjust to your movements. Using a babywrap or carrier is a great place to complete tummy time on the go. Just remove your baby's head from the wrap, and support your baby has they attempt to move the head up, down, and around to gain head control. 

Additionally to support physical development, baby wearing also prevent common diagnoses like flat spots, or "flat head" syndrome. Baby wearing is a great preventative technique to keep baby off of their head throughout their day, and prevent any flattening from forming. 

REMEMBER: Baby wearing is not a CORRECTIVE technique. For more help with "flat head", submit this free form here.

Baby wearing promotes emotional regulation

A worn baby is often a happy baby. Your baby may take some time to get used to the baby wrap, or carrier, but with time your baby will enjoy being near to you. Close contact with you helps your baby feel calm and secure, reducing crying and fussiness. A research study completed by Hunzinker & Barr found that babies who are worn cry up to 43% less during the day.

Baby wearing encourages learning and social awareness

Babies worn in carriers are at the perfect height to observe the world around them, hearing conversations and watching facial expressions. This front-row view encourages cognitive and social development in a way that’s different from being in a stroller. While your baby is in a carrier or wrap, they also get to make eye contact with you, smile, laugh, and communicate their needs and desires in ways other than spoken language. 

Remember: A baby should be inward facing until age 6 months old to reduce the risk of hip dysplasia due to poor hip positioning in the carrier. Please see your carriers instruction manual for specific recommendation and wear instructions.

Baby wearing = hands free 

One thing that is AMAZING about baby wearing is your ability to be hands free. Parenting requires serious multitasking skills, and baby wearing is the secret weapon to getting it all done. Baby wearing lets you keep your baby close while freeing up your hands for chores, errands, or even enjoying a hot cup of coffee with your girlfriends. 

Pro tip: put your wrap on before you head out of the house, so when you reach your destination, you can put your baby in the wrap seamlessly and carrier on.

Baby wearing supports breastfeeding outcomes and breastfeeding on-the-go

Baby wearing has been proven to support breastfeeding outcomes because baby is in a close proximity and the mother is able to meet the baby's needs easily. A recent study found that mothers that frequently used baby carriers had an increased likelihood of breastfeeding at 6 months old. While baby wearing, you an also nurse on-the-go in the wrap because your baby is close by.

Baby wearing provides comfort for colicky or high-need babies

The gentle motion and upright position of baby wearing can help ease gas discomfort and reduce symptoms of colic. Babies with reflux also benefit from being carried upright after feeds due to this position helping with digestion. If your baby haas reflux or colic, try baby wearing to soothe or reduce your baby's risk of spitting up. Your baby will likely be adverse to baby wearing at first and may have a hard time relaxing, but keep practicing and keep trying!

Baby wearing improves caregiver’s mental health

The oxytocin boost from baby wearing doesn’t just benefit your baby, but it’s great for your mental health too. Feeling more connected to your baby can help reduce stress and promote feelings of competence and confidence in your parenting. Additionally, a study found that baby wearing in conjunction with daily walks is a low-cost intervention in helping with maternal depression. 

There are so many benefits to baby wearing, but it's important to know best baby wearing practices.

To remember how to wear your baby safely, remember the acronym T.I.C.K.S.:

    • Tight: The carrier or wrap should be snug with no loose fabric.

    • In view at all times: You should always see your baby’s face.

    • Close enough to kiss: You should be able to tilt your head down and kiss the top of your baby’s head.

    • Keep chin off chest: Make sure your baby’s airway is clear.

    • Supported back: Your baby’s back should be well-supported.

Additionally, you should be sure baby is in the proper position with the hips and maintaining a M-position in all carrier or wrap positions. For more reminders, read this post here.

It's also important to find the right carrier.

There are different types of carriers, including wraps, slings, and structured carriers. Solly Baby is a popular brand and comes in many beautiful patterns. This wrap fits babies 8 to 25 pounds. However, the best best wrap or carrier for your family will depend on your baby’s age, your body type, and personal preference. Don’t be afraid to try a few options to find the perfect fit. You can save on Solly Baby using code "INFANTINSIGHTS" here.

Baby wearing is more than just a practical way to carry your baby—it’s a beautiful way to connect, nurture, and support your child’s development. People have been baby wearing for thousands of years and it's such an important tool for parents to use. Whether you’re a first-time parent or looking for new ways to bond with your baby, baby wearing may just become your new favorite thing (that was definitely the case for me!).