Tummy Time Tolerance and Head Control Course

Let's get your baby enjoying tummy time!

You can have the tools to help your baby enjoy tummy time! You know your baby best and with some simple, practical tools you can encourage them to develop the skills needed to LOVE tummy time

I'll show you how...
Let's get started!

My goal is to reduce your worry and give you practical tools to support your baby's development.

Our babies change so much during the first year and we may wonder when they will reach a certain milestones and how to troubleshoot any difficulties. Tummy time can be HARD. This course's goal is to provide practical instruction and examples with the goal of supporting your baby's enjoyment in tummy time!

This program will help you understand:


All of the skills required for tummy time enjoyment


How to modify tummy time based on age


The goals of tummy time and how to meet those goals

Maybe this is you...

You really want to help your baby enjoy tummy time, but they HATE it

  • As an occupational therapist focused on educating parents, I have the tools to help you encourage tummy time enjoyment
  • Through simple instruction, detailed explanations - tummy time tolerance will be the least of your worries!
  • It's also important to understand how tummy time changes through different ages and stages - all of this is inside the course!
  • Tummy time encourages head control, which is a crucial skill. This course will teach you exactly how to encourage head control, maybe not even in tummy time 😉

Frequently Asked Questions

Here's the truth

Teaching your baby skills is easy!

With the understanding of WHAT skills are required in tummy time and head control development and HOW to encourage them - you can have your little one enjoying this position in no time!


"Brooke's tips are so practical! My baby loves tummy time now"

Tummy time & Head Control course purchaser

Tummy Time Tolerance & Head Control Course

This course is a comprehensive program to equip you with the tools to help your baby enjoy tummy time and development strong head control!

Clear explanations

Simple, easy-to-follow explanations that break down all the skills required for tummy time tolerance

Simple instructions

Simple, and practical demonstrations that break down how to encourage the skills required to develop strong head control

Comprehensive PDF

Easy-to-follow PDF to supplement the video content in the course. Always nice to have multiple forms of information to reference!

Here's what you'll learn

How to teach your baby to enjoy tummy time and development strong muscle strength to support future milestones

Module 1

The development of tummy time

A breakdown and explanation of each developmental consideration for tummy time tolerance. From age ranges, to time spent in tummy time, and everything in between, understanding tummy time as a whole and it's role in development is crucial!

Module 2

Modifications for tummy time

Tummy time changes as your baby changes! As a newborn, tummy time is VERY difficult. Tummy time may also be difficult as your baby gets older. Modifications are essential as tummy time continues priority within the first 6 months.

How does this sound?

What you can expect after taking this course...

  • Reduced anxiety and worry about if your doing enough tummy time
  • Lifetime access to the course so you can reference at anytime
  • Understanding of head control as a milestone and as a way for your child to explore their environment
  • Practical tips that you can begin to implement into your daily routines 
  • Support from me anytime through email!

This mom shared this amazing result:

"My baby loved tummy time after implementing Brooke's tips!"

This mom was so excited about the course:

"The information inside the course is so easy to follow, and very succinct."

Ready to get your baby enjoying tummy time!?

1 payment of


  • 1.5 hours + of tummy time & head control content
  • Easy to follow activities to complete at home with your baby
  • Written document to supplement the video content
  • Support anytime through email
Get the course now!

This course is for you if...

  • You want to learn more about the important of tummy time as a whole
  • Your baby is having difficulty with tummy time 
  • Your baby is approaching ~4 months and cannot hold head upright well in tummy time 

Meet your instructor

Hi, I'm Brooke

Becoming a mom was a big change for me. I had lots of experience working with children before becoming a mom, but having a child of my own presented many new challenges.

From the time my son, James, was born, I often felt anxious about his head shape and development. I knew I couldn't be the only parent feeling this way and I wanted to help.

I decided to begin a social media account centered around providing education to parents about their infant's development and head shape - and the rest is history! I feel honored you are here with me! 


This mom was so thankful

You have been an invaluable resource for us since our girl was 2 months. Thanks for all you do!"

Feedback about the course tips:

"I'm learning so much and incorporating things into our daily play routine. Thanks for all the tips!"